PRAN Pomegranate Fruit Drinks Presents Ingenious 2.0
About the eventPRAN Pomegranate Fruit Drinks Presents Ingenious 2.0
✨PRAN Pomegranate Fruit Drinks Presents Ingenious 2.0: National Idea Generation Competition ✨
?Date: 7 November, 2023
⏱️Time: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
?Venue: Southeast University
?Overview of the INGENIOUS
“INGENIOUS” is an innovative idea generation competition designed specifically for college and university
students. The competition aims to provide a platform for students to showcase their creativity, problem-
solving abilities, and entrepreneurial spirit. By encouraging students to generate ideas or propose
solutions to new problems, ingenious fosters an environment conducive to learning, skill development,
and professional growth. Ingenious encourages students to think outside the box and come up with
original ideas.
••What’s INGENIOUS 2.0 about?••
Here’s the place to pitch your innovative ideas, collaborate with brilliant minds, and potentially scoop up some exciting rewards. Whether you’ve crafted a new business blueprint or have an exciting concept, you’re in the right spot to share it and make things happen!
•Program Plan
?College Segment:
Team Formation:
?Each team will contain minimum 2 & Maximum 3 members. ( Cross institutions are not allowed)
Selected areas for idea generation:
Participants can present any idea related to the following fields :
• Business
• Technology
• Social Life
• Environment
➡️Round 1: Idea Submission
•Teams from colleges will create Wall Magazines representing their ideas.
•Wall Magazines will have to be submitted at the SEU Campus Booth on 6th November.
•All submitted Wall Magazines will be exhibited on 7th November From 9:00 AM.
•Judges will select the extraordinary Wall Magazines for the final round.
➡️Final Round: Presentation
•The finalist teams will present their ideas to a panel of judges.
• Three winning teams will be selected based on their performance.
?University Segment:
Team Formation:
?Each team will contain minimum 2 & Maximum 3 members. ( Cross institutions are allowed)
⭐ Selected areas: Participants have to present a business idea based on the following sectors:
• Technology
• Social Life
• Environment
➡️Round 1: Idea Submission
•University students can submit their ideas online via Google Form. The submission link will be open from 20th October to 1st November ,2023.
• Submitted Ideas will go through a selection process to identify finalists.
➡️Final Round: Presentation
• Finalists from the university segment will participate in a presentation session.
•They will answer questions from our honourable judges and winners will get selected based on their performances.
?️What will Participants receive? ?️
– Certificate of Participation
– Snacks & Lunch
– Special Crests & Prize Money for Top Groups ??
? Prize Pool:
➡️ College Segment
• Champion BDT 10,000
• 1st Runner-up BDT6,000
• 2nd Runner-up BDT4,000
➡️ University Segment
• Champion BDT 25,000
• 1st Runner-up BDT 15,000
• 2nd Runner-up BDT 10,000
➡️Best Ambassador Awards:
Total Prize Pool: BDT 5,000
➡️Registration Information:
•Registration Link:
** University Segment ⬇️
** College Segment ⬇️
•Registration Deadline: 27 October.
•Registration Fee:
** College Segment – Tk 310
** University Segment – TK 760
Stay tuned for more exciting updates.